
our haiku/short prose:

Spring rain

Everything just grows

More beautiful

Transcript for Spring

Welcome, let's take a mindful look at this artwork, Spring.

First, let’s turn our attention to colour and what a rainbow palette of colour we have here. Take a moment or two to simply notice how many different colours you can see. Are you drawn to a particular colour? Does your eye keep wandering back to one? How would you describe these colours? Vibrant, bright,energetic perhaps? Or maybe for you they’re harmonious and soothing?

Send your attention now to the radiant sun, we might be surprised to notice that the sun itself is represented in white. Its strong life-giving rays are shown as thick white lines and the sun is a white circle within a circle.

The circle is a repeated motif within this artwork. Bubble-like shapes are scattered throughout - the tranquil blue and yellow ones near the top for example or the green one towards the bottom corner. Or the little rose coloured circle just to the right of the sun. Take a few moments now to notice other circles in this artwork - their colours, textures and sizes.

You may have also noticed by now other forms that are repeated throughout - the daffodil heads. The delicate blue flowers with their white and orange centres.

Spring is a time when greeness grows over brown beds and nature in her wisdom reminds us that nothing is permanent. Everything is temporary. We too are a part of nature. We too go through cycles of change and healing, experience ups and downs, light and dark seasons in our lives. Throughout all these the wisest and most compassionate version of ourselves will gently remind us that no winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn.

The promise of Spring’s arrival can sometimes be enough to get us through the harshest of winters.

Why not share some of your thoughts about this artwork or this exercise with someone you know.