
our haiku/short prose:

Clouds forming, changing

Birds singing their song

At one with nature

Transcript for Vale

Welcome. For this mindfulness practice I've created a soundscape inspired by the artwork Vale.

In the other audios I invited you to focus your attention on your sense of sight, - looking and noticing what you can see in the artwork. In this practice, I’m inviting you to engage a different sense. This time I’d like you to bring your sense of sound to the foreground of your awareness. Tuning in and noticing sounds is another way to be mindful. Paying attention to pitch, volume, rhythm and timbre. Noticing the presence of sounds and noticing the absence of them.

For the next few minutes you’ll hear a selection of different natural sounds- the kind of sounds you might hear as you walk around a landscape such as the one we see in this artwork. All you have to do is simply tune and notice what you can hear. If you like you can still look and explore the artwork as you listen, it’s completely up to you.

So why not get into a position that feels comfortable for you. You can do this whilst you're seated on a chair, on a bed or even walking around the ward or hospital garden. It’s completely up to you.

I really hope you enjoy the soundscape.