
our haiku/short prose:

Soft unfurling leaves

Your greenness soothes

Transcript for Fern

Welcome, let's take a mindful look at this artwork Fern.

Before we explore this artwork together, let’s begin with a short mindfulness of breathing practice. First, find a place where you can be comfortable. Whether that’s seated or standing or lying down, find a position that feels right for you. Then, if it feels ok to do so, gently close your eyes. You don’t have to close your eyes if you don’t want to, you can always lower your gaze to a spot on the floor in front of you. And of course if you do close your eyes, you can open and close them at any point.

So, now that you’re comfortable I invite you to gently bring your attention to your breathing. Noticing where in your body to feel its movement the most. And if it helps you can take a couple of slow deep breaths to begin with. You might notice the sensation and movement of your breath in your tummy, for instance. The ever so slightly rising with the in- breath and the gentle falling with the out breath. Or perhaps for you, you might notice your breath in the movements in your chest area - again with the ever so slightly rise on the in-breath and the delicate falling on the out breath.

Noticing also the sensation of the breath as it enters your nostrils, that faint sensation of the air coming in through your nostrils. Noticing its temperature, how the air in is slightly cooler compared to the air that comes out.

Just taking a few moments to tune into these movements. We’re not trying to breathe in any special way, just allowing the breath to breathe itself. Resting our attention. Noticing the movement.

And now, if it feels ok, open your eyes and send your attention to the artwork. Just sit with it for a while. Take your time noticing it. There’s no right or wrong way to engage with art. This is simply about your experience and what you see. 

What do you notice in the artwork? What colours, textures and shapes can you notice?

Perhaps one of the first things we might notice about this particular artwork is that it is more abstract than some of the others in the collection. The title is Fern and we can see beautiful imprints of fern leaves throughout it.  Starting at the top and working your way round clockwise, I invite you to slowly look and notice what you can see.

Taking in each and every aspect. What colours can you see? What shapes are there? Where is there an absence of colour?

Can you notice the different marks, smudges and prints that make up the image?

Perhaps noticing any responses that you’re having to it? Whether you like it or not.

If you were to give it another title, what would it be?

Do you find its colour palette - the yellow, greens and blues - calming or uplifting? Would you describe them as warm or refreshing? Or maybe something else altogether.

Why not share some of your thoughts about this artwork or this exercise with someone you know.