Story Design for Ward 18 Bedrooms

We’ve completed our installation to all 10 bedrooms on Ward 18 - hurrah!

Check out the 10 designs that collectively make up chapters of a super story…

…sailing away…glorious colours…racing the dolphins…under the waves…exploring the corals…to the shore…starry night…over the rainbow…to the mountains…exploring the countryside…

Curtain Designs

Thanks to all the children and young people that have contributed to our super curtain designs for Ward 18 and Outpatients 2 and 3.

We’ve taken your ideas, drawings and stories into the designs which you can check out below!

On Ward 18 we’ve linked up with the story designs in the single bedrooms and on Outpatients we’ve created different worlds to explore. Each Outpatient clinic will be themed on one of these worlds so that there is a change and identity to each space.

Outpatient curtain design - 4m wide x 2m high

Ward 18 curtain design - 4m wide x 2m high

Courtyard Refurbishment

The courtyard at Waterfall House is undergoing a transformation as part of the BWC Charity funded, exciting and innovative Magical Journey Arts Project.

The barge has been removed to create a more usable central space and the wood from this will be repurposed into the project. Lovely artificial grass now covers this area ready for new colourful covered seating areas with planting. The space seems to have grown with this first phase and we look forward to continuing the transformation to bring a sense of place, purpose and pleasure for hospital users.

This second phase transformation will happen in the Summer after the Commonwealth Games event for Haematology and Oncology patients on 26th May.

Below is an indicative sketch of our proposal which is in development. This shows a colourful powder coated framework with translucent canopy to provide more defined seating places. One side will have a perforated screen for privacy and the overhead installation will be made from recycled plastics.

Check out ideas for your new curtains

We’ve had some lovely responses from children and young people, though drawing, creative collage and conversation.

From exploring different worlds [for our outpatient clinic design] to calmer outdoor scenes [for our inpatient design] both aim to encourage story telling, discussion and interest during treatment.

Help us get creative for your NEW curtain designs

Exciting news - we’ve been ask to create designs for NEW curtains for your inpatient ward and outpatient department!

We’re looking forward to getting our conversation started on site this week. Don’t worry if we miss you, Waterfall House’s super Play Staff will be sharing activities to contribute when we’re not there.

Below are some initial sketches for the inpatient ward. We have an overall colourful pattern, ‘windows’ with view out to different worlds, juxtaposed shapes and images for a variety of content and story making and a doodle line where we have placed our wonderful ‘Holly the Hero’ on her unicorn. What else could we include?? Do get in touch with your ideas as we might want to include some of your artwork too!

Remember - these curtains are BIG, 4m x 2m and there are 3 of these around inpatient beds, 2 around outpatient treatment bays - so we have to get this right for you!

As with all our artwork we want to make this welcoming, interesting and relevant for children and young people who have long stays or long day appointments.

Look forward to your comments.

Doodle Story Competition - for all children and young people

We’ve loved chatting to you while making badges, cards and patterns and loved listening to your super stories and finding out about your interests.

We’ll be interpreting these into our artworks, and now we are opening this up further so that everyone has a chance to put pen to paper for this opportunity! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have some of your drawings and stories included in the actual artwork at Waterfall House?! You never know we might like your story so much it gets to be a full feature artwork, whoohoo!

So if you would like to help us with our Magical Journey Quest further, we’d love to hear from you.

Click Here for a downloadable pdf of our Doodle, or you can make your own, just take a line for a walk, a jump and a loop! Colour and fill in details with scenarios that happen in your story then write it all down!

Or you can Click Here for a downloadable pdf of our simpler Story template.

You can share your work by handing in to a member of staff, or by using the dropbox on the second floor reception desk, or by emailing a picture to

We have had stories about exploring space, swimming underwater, being animals or just having fun! We want these designs to fill whole walls, so really look forward to seeing and reading your doodle stories.

Below is a story in progress by us… an outdoor adventure inspired by some our of lovely conversations.

doodle story.jpg

Magic Story Recipe: Fun with Patterns

Whilst talking to young people about the potential of the artwork, we’ve been having some fun with an open ended kaleidoscope!

We’ve been looking at the things around us and watched them transform into abstract patterns. Check out the video below!

This had also inspired some creative fun with patterns, it is fascinating seeing the way the shapes can link, overlap or fit into one another!

You can download the activity here

Below are some patterns created by the children and young people.

Let us know what you think - if you check out our Pinterest page we have some super pattern examples there too.

pattern fun 1.jpg
pattern fun 2.jpg

Super Badges

I’ve been chatting to children and young people on the out-patients at Waterfall House to find out about what fascinates them.

We’ve talked about what we would be if we could be anything at all! What our favourite things are, or things to do are. We’ve sometimes made up a short story or simply talked about the sorts of things that would be fun and interesting to look at while waiting for or having treatments.

Let us know what you love!!

Below are some of the badges the children have made.


Magic Story Recipe: Pop Up Cards

This activity gives you the option to create a choice of two pop up cards!

I would like you to think about an exciting adventure to inspire your card.

For my ‘Fan’ card I thought about having a dream that I was inside a rainbow! It was so gorgeously colourful, calm and peaceful - you can download the template here.

For my ‘Tab’ card I thought about having an underwater adventure where I was swimming with iridescent fish and colour changing octopuses - you can download the template here.

Please tell me about a dream you would like to have, or an adventure you would like to go on in the comments below. As always, all your comments will influence the developing designs for the new artwork for Waterfall House.

Thank you for your time.

Rainbow Inspired Adventure Card

Rainbow Inspired Adventure Card

Underwater Inspired Adventure Card

Underwater Inspired Adventure Card

Pinterest Board

This board gives you an opportunity to add an image or two that you find conveys the right atmosphere for you in the hospital environment. You might be at Waterfall House for a repeat out-patient appointment, as a short term stay, as a long term stay or for an operation.

Artwork for each of the above would need to be different, with colour choice and content. There would also be consideration that an area or room could be used by anyone from 0 - 17 years. I’ve an open perspective while we undertake our engagement, and are currently looking at everything from stylised illustration, to abstract patterns and graffiti inspired designs. Themes and concepts to base these around will be steered by our responses from children and young people.

Have a look at the content here - - you can add images and refer to them with comments below or just comment freely on what you see.

Thank you for your time.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Staff Drop-In Sessions Throughout April

These physical drop-in sessions will be led by Stella Corrall who brings her 20 years creative experience to the Waterfall House Team.

You don‘t need to book, and of course we will be working to Covid safe social distancing guidance.

This is your chance to share your experiences and offer insights to influence this exciting arts scheme that will transform your department. Your valued input, alongside children’s and young people’s, will help steer our ‘Magical Journey’ to create holistic outcomes that support the caring environment and your role in aiding patient recovery.

Through conversation and hands on activities we will explore the importance of theme variety and individual identity across all areas of this new arts scheme. As we progress with the sessions, the sharing of children’s and young people’s creative responses to activities will inform how themes and narratives are developing. We will also focus on considerations for specific artwork locations.

All the sessions will be held in the Ground Floor Seminar Room 2, Waterfall House

Daytime Sessions: Thursday 1st, 15th and 29th April: 9.30am - 2pm

Evening Sessions: Wednesday 14th and 28th April: 6 - 9pm

Weekend Session: Saturday 10th April: 10am - 3pm

Pop in for 5 mins or an hour, and attend as many sessions as you wish or are able to - Whatever time you can spare will make the difference!


Try some marbling to explore colours!


Choose the mood for YOUR staff break area!

Magic Story Recipe: What Would You Be?

This first stage of our creative engagement is all about forming a springboard for our ‘Magic Story Recipe’ which will influence themes and narratives for the artworks.

So, we’re throwing it out there and asking children and young people what they would be if they could be anything at all… absolutely anything!

I LOVE a good daydream and know you have superb imaginations so this could be something real or something imagined… it’s an endless world of wonders and possibilities!

Feel free to comment below, or take a look at all our questions on the activity sheet for younger children here, or for older children here.

Below are the videos we created to support these questions for the in-patients at Waterfall House - if you’ve got some coloured papers handy why not give them a go?!

If you would like to share anything you can email directly and/or put on Instagram, remembering to mention @lucentiadesign @bham_childrens - thank you!!

Magical Journey Project Introduction

Hello, I’m Stella and my design company specialises in projects for health and well-being. We work across media combining designs with print, LEDs and in-house fabrication.

…and so I’m super excited to be working on this ‘Magical Journey’ arts project for Waterfall House!

As with all projects we do not bring preconceptions to projects, rather it is always the engagement process that is fundamentally important and pivotal to the success of outcomes and designs. Having said that, there is a vision for the transformation and the new artworks will work together holistically while also creating a distinct identity and narrative for each ward.

I’m inviting everyone at Waterfall House - all staff and patients - and outreaching to children and young people through James Brindles School, YPAG and Think4Brum to get involved with the creative engagement.

I’ll be posting activities here and updating regularly so please comment or get in touch with any queries - thank you, Stella

Images below show first impressions of the building - we want to build on this to create a welcoming environment that unfolds themes along the way.

Images below show some of our past projects that are relevant to the walls, ceilings and window spaces in question at Waterfall House.