These physical drop-in sessions will be led by Stella Corrall who brings her 20 years creative experience to the Waterfall House Team.
You don‘t need to book, and of course we will be working to Covid safe social distancing guidance.
This is your chance to share your experiences and offer insights to influence this exciting arts scheme that will transform your department. Your valued input, alongside children’s and young people’s, will help steer our ‘Magical Journey’ to create holistic outcomes that support the caring environment and your role in aiding patient recovery.
Through conversation and hands on activities we will explore the importance of theme variety and individual identity across all areas of this new arts scheme. As we progress with the sessions, the sharing of children’s and young people’s creative responses to activities will inform how themes and narratives are developing. We will also focus on considerations for specific artwork locations.
All the sessions will be held in the Ground Floor Seminar Room 2, Waterfall House
Daytime Sessions: Thursday 1st, 15th and 29th April: 9.30am - 2pm
Evening Sessions: Wednesday 14th and 28th April: 6 - 9pm
Weekend Session: Saturday 10th April: 10am - 3pm
Pop in for 5 mins or an hour, and attend as many sessions as you wish or are able to - Whatever time you can spare will make the difference!